Medusa Skates Speeds to Online Success

Medusa Skates Logo

Medusa Skates

Volusion Merchant since 2011

Medusa Skates Speeds to Online Success

Roller derby business expands from the rink to the ecommerce spotlight

What happens when you combine a passionate entrepreneur with the high-octane sport of roller derby? Nothing less than an online sensation.

Meet Medusa Skates, a rollergirl owned and operated business that provides all things roller derby through their Austin-based retail location and their Volusion store,

Medusa Skates Phone
Medusa Skates Socks
Medusa Skates Girl with pink shirt

Rolling Passion into a Profitable Business

Hunter, also known as Glitterotica, is more than just the owner of Medusa Skates – she’s also a member of the Texas Lonestar Rollergirls Hellcats, a team within the Texas Roller Derby league. Glitterotica, like many young entrepreneurs, got the inspiration for her business from what she loves most.

“I really hated my day job as a landscape architect. I started selling some gear on the side and thought it was really fun. Someone asked me, ‘What do you remember the most from your 20s?’ of which I replied, “Not my career as a landscape architect. Not any relationship I’ve had. It would be roller derby.”

From there, Glitterotica began to develop her business by selling skating gear from her garage, then expanding her store online with Volusion in 2011. Medusa Skates offers best-in-class roller derby gear, skates and apparel, along with the expertise and customer service that only true enthusiasts can provide. Thanks to several years of successfully selling online and the rising popularity of roller derby, Medusa Skates now has a vibrant retail location in Austin, Texas.

“My clients are really, really nice and appreciative. They're like, "Thank you so much for having this store." I'm like, ‘Thank you for supporting local. You're keeping me out of my desk job.’ This is awesome.”

Glitterotica Medusa Skates
Medusa Skates Girl With Skate
Medusa Skates Laptop

Website design by Volusion Creative Services

Sharing Success: Tips to Making it Big

Plan your website structure

“Definitely have a plan of how you want to keep everything organized. I spent a lot of time researching my competitors’ websites. I had them printed out with screenshots of how they organized stuff. I looked at how it all came: if you click on this, where does it go? I sampled from my competitors heavily, which I found to be easier.”

Use all the resources at your disposal

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box in terms of getting the resources you need. Adds Glitterotica, “I’ve been able to get models by simply asking my friends to volunteer, and in return, I give them pizza and beer.” No matter the need, there’s always someone or something to help you reach the next level.

Harness the power of social media

When you have an audience that’s as engaged as the roller derby community, social media is a great place to grow and share your business. Glitterotica notes, “A lot of my business is driven by Facebook, Yelp and word of mouth. Thanks to our loyal fan base, keeping my Facebook page up to date really seems to be my biggest thing.”

Medusa Skates cat on desk
Medusa Skates front desk

“I started to think about how much I loved roller derby and if there was a way I could stay involved even when I'm past skating. Once I started the garage store and had products online it grew into, ‘Wow I really, really, really enjoy this.’”

Medusa Skates Laptop


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